IAOMT Members Can Submit Classifieds

We reserve the right to modify listing details as necessary.

  • Ad Manager Contact Information

    Classified ads are usually reserved for IAOMT members but can be used for the selling of a practice by a broker or firm and could be used for the selling of dental or medical equipment.
  • Nếu bạn là thành viên IAOMT, hãy nhập địa chỉ email được liên kết với tư cách thành viên IAOMT của bạn. Nếu không, vui lòng nhập địa chỉ email cá nhân của bạn để liên lạc từ văn phòng IAOMT.
  • MM chém DD chém YYYY
  • Please enter the city, state and country if outside the US or Canada.
  • Please utilize this space to provide a description of the job position you are seeking to fill or hiring for, the dental/medical practice available for sale, or the dental/medical equipment you intend to sell.
  • Thông tin liên lạc

    Please utilize this section to provide details on the appropriate contact person for inquiries regarding the classified advertisement. This will be visible to the public.
    By submitting this form you understand your information will be collected and will be used for the purpose of creating your classified ad and to follow up in the future to update/delete the classified ad. We will never sell or rent your information to a third party. You may ask to remove your information at any time by contacting the office of the IAOMT. Read our Privacy Policy in full: https://iaomt.org/footer/privacy-policy/